I went to Kogarah High in the year of
1979 for four years end in 1982. The school has brought me many good
memories. I remembered in the back of my mind as a young student. I
first went with my mother for the interview with the school counsellor
for the Deaf, Mr Robert Ingle in the late 1978. While waiting outside
of the office to be interviewed. I first noticed there was something
different about those people over there talking to each other with
their hands. I had no idea what it was. Not until the following year
starting at school. I started to get involved with them. I quickly
learnt the beautiful language which it call Auslan (Australian Sign
Language). I proudly learnt Auslan from the other students and have
used it constantly til this day.
When the school celebrated their
25th anniversary on 1989, unfortunately I was living in Melbourne at
the time and missed the wonderful opportunity to celebrate. A few years
ago I thought in back of my mind "when is the next celebration for the
50th anniversary"? I asked one deaf student if she knew when or if
anybody was organising. She was surprised and ask we must find out the
"when". The has spurred me to start organising to write this
commemorative book and anniversary reunion.
It was a please to write the 50th
anniversary book of Kogarah High School O.D. class book. I was
delighted to share the stories, experiences of the ex-students and
teachers over the past 50 years of schooling.
The purpose of this book is to record
the history and events that has happened in the school over the last 50
years of the school. Unfortunately there were no records written why,
when, who ran the deaf classes.
Much of the information in this book
comes from the sources such as surviving Kogarah High School
newsletters and magazines, local newspapers, Registry of birth, death
and marriage indexes, electoral rolls, phone calls, photo collected
from students, teachers and Kogarah High and local library and most
importantly orally from students and teachers.
I have spent many hours gathering and
scanning the newsletters and photos available from the library with the
kind permission from Mrs Virginia Pacey, Kogarah High School principal.
Than k to the many ex-students and teachers for their time to fins
photos and giving me valuable information to put into a book. To assist
with this book the library has given me two books which have been
included unto this book called "Nostalgia 1891 - 1973" and "100 Years
of Education 1891 - 1991".
Hope you will enjoy read this book as
I have enjoyed compiling it for all of you. I apologise for any
mistakes that may have occurred.
In conclusion, special thanks must go
to Carrol Collishaw and Catherine Galloway who have assisted me by
sending me many photos and information that has helped with this book
Lastly, I'd like to thank the
secretary of the Kogarah High School 50th anniversary committee,
Jillian Thompson. She has been very patient while I completed this book
Lisa Dunbar (nee Atkinson)
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